Download the Zanzibar - Risk Profile - SWIO-RAFI document

Zanzibar - Risk Profile - SWIO-RAFI
The risk modeling undertaken through SWIO RAFI focused on three perils: tropical cyclones, floods produced by events other than tropical cyclones, and earthquakes. Three hazards associated with tropical cyclones, wind, river flooding and coastal flooding were considered in the risk assessment. In addition, as part of the earthquake risk assessment, tsunami risk zones were identified for each country. The SWIO RAFI project included the collection of existing hazard and exposure data, and the creation of new hazard and exposure data, that were used in the development of a risk assessment and risk profiles for The Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles, and Zanzibar. The exposure data includes detailed information on building construction for a variety of occupancy classes including: residential; commercial; industrial; public facilities such as educational facilities and emergency facilities; and infrastructure such as roads, airports, ports, and utilities. Finally, risk information that is determined through a combination of data on hazard, exposure, and vulnerability is provided at the national level and at several administration levels for each peril and for all perils combined, and broken down into occupancy classes.
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Geoscientific Information
information pertaining to earth sciences. Examples: geophysical features and processes, geology, minerals, sciences dealing with the composition, structure and origin of the earth s rocks, risks of earthquakes, volcanic activity, landslides, gravity information, soils, permafrost, hydrogeology, erosion
United Republic of Tanzania
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Supplemental Information
strong_wind, river_flood, coastal_flood

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