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Drought Risk Reduction: Framework and Practices
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Drought is one of the major threats among natural hazards to people's livelihoods and socio-economic development. Drought tends to occur less frequently than other hazards (Figure 1). However, when it does occur, it generally affects a broad region for seasons or years at a time. This can result in a larger proportion of the population being affected by drought than by other disasters. To reduce the threat of drought around the world, an increasing number of national, regional, and international entities have begun to take action. The primary responsibility for implementing the Hyogo Framework for Action lies with the UN Member States, but the ISDR system, UN agencies, regional organizations, academic and civil society institutions, and international organizations are also actively involved. Drought is a slow-onset natural hazard that allows for the implementation of disaster risk reduction measures as requested by the Hyogo Framework for Action. Understanding drought's evolution, complexity, and social implications, including people's vulnerability to drought, permits planners and the public to implement effective mitigation and preparedness measures to reduce drought impacts. To this end, wide-ranging and well-coordinated efforts at international, regional, and national levels are needed to build drought-resilient communities and societies. The document highlights the need to foster proactive drought risk reduction strategies and activities to address drought's root causes rather than relying solely on emergency response measures. It also stresses a move from policies to practices through the development of a knowledge network to identify indigenous practices, exchange expertise, and propose simple and affordable technologies and good practices that can be promoted and implemented in vulnerable communities through coordinated programs and projects. Considerable progress is being made in drought monitoring, mitigation, and preparedness policies and practices in many countries. Collaboration with countries experienced in drought risk reduction and interaction with regional and international initiatives can contribute to the development of a knowledge network to reduce the effects of drought.
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Climatology Meteorology Atmosphere
processes and phenomena of the atmosphere. Examples: cloud cover, weather, climate, atmospheric conditions, climate change, precipitation
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There Are No Plans To Update The Data
For use in the ThinkHazard! (THOR) project
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