Download the Systematic Inventory and evaluation of risk assessment in Cape Verde document

Systematic Inventory and evaluation of risk assessment in Cape Verde
The United Nations Program for Development, the Ministry of Environment, Housing and Spatial Planning and the National Civil Protection Service of Cabo Verde developed a project called ""Strengthening Disaster Risk Reduction and Management in Cape Verde (2012-2016)"". Integrated in this project, this work ensures the first key priority – National Risk Assessment and Mapping for the following phenomena: flash floods, droughts, volcanic eruptions, forest fires, earthquakes, landslides, epidemics and coastal erosion. The methodology was organized into several sections depending on the type of hazard addressed. For all hazards the work began with the collection and compilation of all bibliographic information, cartography, meteorological data, historical records of disasters, provided by different government agencies of Cape Verde and international sources. After the data collection, it was validated and processed for the next step. The hazard mapping for all hazards included cartographic modeling according to well-established scientific and technical methodologies. After obtaining the results, these have been validated, to ensure the best approximation to reality. The Comprehensive National Hazard Assessment and Mapping in Cape Verde successfully identified hazard-prone areas and respective hazard zones. The results of this work will support the development of a national risk profile, which will help the government, humanitarian and development agencies to develop and implement a national disaster reduction and management strategy.
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Geoscientific Information
information pertaining to earth sciences. Examples: geophysical features and processes, geology, minerals, sciences dealing with the composition, structure and origin of the earth s rocks, risks of earthquakes, volcanic activity, landslides, gravity information, soils, permafrost, hydrogeology, erosion
Cape Verde
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river_flood, drought, landslide, volcanic_ash,, earthquake

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