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Climate risk management for Malaria Control in Kenya - The case of the western …
Kenya experiences a number of development challenges, such as environmental degradation, high poverty (particularly in rural areas), economic inequality, and limited access to critical services like water and health care. Malaria continues to be the number- one cause of disease and mortality. Although prevalence is low in most parts of the country, the disease is re-emerging in the western highlands due to a combination of climate and non-climate factors. The combination of unusually high temperatures, rainfall and humidity encourages malaria epidemics. Kenya is highly prone to climate hazards, in particular droughts and localized oods, which have considerable e ects on the economy (up to 2 percent of GDP per year), but uncertainty remains regarding changes in frequency and severity of extreme climate events. Higher temperatures are expected in the future, with some regional di erences. But greater uncertainties are associated with future rainfall projections. This study was conducted to assess climate risks on malaria control in the western Kenyan highlands and to identify climate risk management options.
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Climatology Meteorology Atmosphere
processes and phenomena of the atmosphere. Examples: cloud cover, weather, climate, atmospheric conditions, climate change, precipitation
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coastal_flood, strong_wind, drought, urban_flood, extreme_heat, wildfire, landslide

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