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Natural sustainable weatland management in the face of climate risks in Niger: …
Only 12 percent of Niger’s land area is suitable for agriculture, which largely depends on irregular rainfall. Since the early 1970s, precipitation levels have fallen at several weather stations, while temperatures have increased at all weather stations studied. At the same time, the country’s population currently only uses 1 percent of its water resources, primarily from groundwater. Despite its dry climate and signi cant spatial and temporal variations in precipitation and temperature, Niger bene ts from numerous natural resources, such as wetlands located across the entire country, including in the Sahara zone in the north. These wetlands may be oodplains, ponds, lakes, oasis systems, dallols or basins. They support important agrosilvopastoral systems that are vital in the ght against poverty and food insecurity and in the preservation of biodiversity. This study was conducted to assess climate risks in a speci c wetland of Niger and to identify climate risk management options.
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Climatology Meteorology Atmosphere
processes and phenomena of the atmosphere. Examples: cloud cover, weather, climate, atmospheric conditions, climate change, precipitation
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coastal_flood, strong_wind, drought, urban_flood, extreme_heat, wildfire, landslide

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