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Ethiopia Wereda Risk Profiles Database
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Ethiopia is exposed to a wide range of hazards associated with the country’s diverse geo- climatic conditions. The country is highly vulnerable to hazards due to land degradation, climate change, rapid population growth, low crop and livestock productivity and other factors. To mitigate these challenges, Ethiopia adopted Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agenda in 2015. Sendai Framework (SDG, 2015) sets poverty eradication as an overarching aim and recognizes and reaffirms the urgent need to reduce the risk of disasters. Likewise, achieving rapid, broad-based, sustained and equitable economic growth to eradicate poverty has been and still is a key objective in Growth and Transformational Plan (GTP) of Ethiopia. The GTP sets a vision for the country as a middle income, democratic and developmental state and a carbon neutral climate resilient economy by 2025. Hence, Ethiopia needs to achieve this goal by viewing disaster risk reduction as a core development strategy in its growth and transformation plans. To meet GTP goals, National Disaster Risk Management Commission has developed new DRM Policy and strategies followed by DRM-SPIF. Among programs and strategies identified in DRM-SPIF, Wereda Disaster Risk Profiling (WDRP) has been given priority due to the fact that risk assessment in each area is the first step towards DRM activities at all level. Based on the information obtained from WDRP, disaster risk mitigation and adaption plans are prepared at wereda level and mainstreamed into Wereda level sectoral development plans. Read More
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characteristics of society and cultures. Examples: settlements, anthropology, archaeology, education, traditional beliefs, manners and customs, demographic data, recreational areas and activities, social impact assessments, crime and justice, census information
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urban_flood, extreme_heat, landslide, earthquake, volcanic_ash

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